Unmistakably one of the most iconic landmarks in the Columbia River Gorge, the Bridge of the Gods has a special and unique history. But before we get to the history of the bridge I would like to share with you a little ditty about what happens at the toll booth.

There are a handful of sweet natured folks who work at the toll booth. It will cost you $2.00 every time you cross the bridge – and less if you buy a book of tickets. I travel that bridge many times a month so I feel like I sort of know the folks who work in the booth.
I don’t know any of their names but they seem to recognize me and we make quick small talk (would not want to hold up the line of vehicles!) as they accept my ticket for passing. Every third or fourth time I cross the bridge I am greeted with, “The car in front of you paid your toll.”
The first couple of times this happened I sped up trying to see who it was who paid my way. Not knowing who the person(s) was I began to realize the kind gesture was just that – a kind gesture. Nothing expected in return – just a neighborly thing to do. Now I do the same thing. It is such a small thing to do but it mimics the way we do things around here at our Columbia River Gorge Cabins – it is the little things that are handled to make crossing into our slice of paradise that much more enjoyable.
Now, a quick history lesson about the bridge… depending on your source the stories of the bridge vary. They are much like the views off the bridge – spectacular, similar but different in their own right. Legend or science – I will leave it up to you to choose.
Check out these variations
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bridge_of_the_Gods_%28land_bridge%29
- http://portofcascadelocks.org/bridge-of-the-gods/
- http://www.firstpeople.us/FP-Html-Legends/The_Bridge_Of_The_Gods-Unknown.html
- http://portofcascadelocks.org/bridge-of-the-gods/
Whether you believe one of these accounts or have your own favorite version, Bridge of the Gods offers some of the most incredible views of the Columbia River and should not be looked upon as ‘just a way to pass from Oregon to Washington and back again’. Take your time as you drive across this majestic bridge either to or from our Columbia River Gorge Cabins. And don’t forget to pay for the vehicle behind you!